Help strengthen access through action today.

Your donation makes a real difference. By supporting access to life-saving medications, you help individuals and families overcome the barriers to essential healthcare. Every contribution empowers us to provide medications at no cost to those in need, manage chronic diseases, and reduce health disparities in underserved communities. Together, we can change lives, improve health outcomes, and create a future where everyone has access to the care they deserve.

Join us in this mission and be the change for those who need it most.

Your $300 gift provides a patient with needed monthly medications—for 3 months.

More Ways to Give

  • Give online today, or make your check payable to Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio and mail to 200 E. Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH 43215. Donations are acknowledged by letter.

  • Up to $100,000 in tax-free gifts to an eligible charity from your IRA. If you are 70-1/2 years of age or older, gifting an IRA offers several benefits. Learn more by clicking here.

  • Gifts of securities, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, can be easily and directly transferred to the Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio. Securities gifts can be made with minimal or no out-of-pocket costs and may eliminate capital gains tax. Simply click HERE for additional information on how to Donate Appreciated Securities.

  • Check with your Human Resources department or supervisor to see if they offer a workplace giving program with regular payroll deductions. Ask if the company also offers a matching gift program on behalf of employee donations.

  • You can memorialize or honor those special persons in your life through a commemorative donation made specifically in their name. If you donate online, please indicate this accordingly on the form. If donating by check, include a note indicating who the donation is in tribute or memory of. If you would like a letter sent on behalf of the individual in whose name you are making such a donation, please indicate that and include name and address.

  • Through planned giving, you can make a lasting impact for the people served by the Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio. Planned giving is a means through which donors plan in advance for how to distribute their estate through a bequest, will, trust, or other assets. Charitable Pharmacy is pleased to meet with prospective donors and their advisors to explore their interests, our needs, the various gift options and the related tax consequences.

Access Rx Access Rx

Access Rx Access Rx

Join Access Rx and become part of a dedicated community making a lasting impact on healthcare access. With your monthly support, you’ll help provide life-saving medications to those who need them most, ensuring no one is left behind. Make a consistent difference and be a champion of health equity every single month!